
상담전화는 국번없이 1355(유료)
서식자료 상세내역
제목 Lump-sum Refund for foreigners ?
신고대상 업무유형 SEAE1

● In principle, a lump-sum refund is not paid to foreigners leaving Korea after having been covered under the scheme. However, foreigners meeting any of the following criteria, may be eligible for a lump-sum refund of their pension contributions. The pension refund is a one-time payment made to foreigners leaving Korea permanently, reaching the age of 60, or to their survivors if the contributor passes away. The lump-sum refund is equivalent to the amount of contributions paid plus the fixed interest.

① Countries which have concluded a social security agreement with Korea to secure benefit rights by combining the insured period in each country.(Germany, U.S., Canada, Czech Rep, Hungary, Australia, France, Belgium, Bulgaria , Poland, Slovakia, Romania, Austria, Switzerland, Turkey, India)


② Countries which grant Koreans a benefit corresponding to a lump-sum refund(Belize, Grenada, Jordan, Saint Vincent and Grenadine, Zimbabwe, Cameroon, Thailand, Bhutan, Ghana, Sri Lanka, Bermuda, Malaysia, El Salvador, Indonesia, Kenya, Kazakhstan, Hong Kong, Trinidad and Tobago, Sudan, Columbia, Vanuatu, The Philippines, Tunisia, Uganda)

③ A foreign worker whose visa is either E-8, E-9, H-2

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